Creating Kind oRganisations

In a world full of wicked problems, what staff need most is a kind base camp. A supportive work environment where they can be equipped to do their best work.  A kind organisation works to spread and sustain kindness through all its layers, from its staff’s inner world through its leadership and systems. 

You can start building your kind base camp with the following training modules:

  • Be kind to your Mind Under Stress and Strain. (Managing stress at work).

  • Holding kind conversations. (Engaging others with empathy).

  • We are not stormtroopers. (Emotions in the workplace).

  • Kind caring (Creating a culture of self-care particularly for teams of helping professionals)

  • Values powered teams. (Shared values as the power source of a kind organisation).

  • Being well, leading well – modelling well-being as a kind leader. 

Kind leadership coaching, to enhance leaders understanding and expression of kindness as the oil that allows their teams to do their best work sustainably is also available.

I would love to talk further about how I can help spread kindness throughout your organisation.

Email me or book a videocall to start the conversation about your workplace needs.